Saturday, August 25, 2012

Curried Crab and Roti


 I JUST LOVE SEAFOOD!!-crab,shrimp,oysters,lobster,fish
Chances are if its from the sea then I'll probably like it :) I think it has to do with the fact that there are so many childhood memories connected with seafood

 It evokes so many  memories, from when a was a little girl drinking water to cool down my mouth because i was eating hot peppered shrimp or getting excited when my mommy's brother (Uncle Sarjan) brought a whole crocus bag full of live crabs during crab season. My mother would curry them with pumpkin and coco,or boil them in water heavily seasoned with lots of  salt,scotch bonnet peppers, scallion and thyme.Or even the times when my parents woke me and my sister up to go to Rocky Point in St Thomas(a fishing village in Jamaica) at about 5AM where the fishermen would be selling everything from octopus to turtle soup. 

1 onion sliced
1/2 hot scotch bonnet pepper(or to taste)
1/2tsp geera
5 cloves garlic finely chopped
3 stalks scallion finely chopped
1tbsp curry powder mixed with water to form a paste
2 maggi cubes or salt to taste
2 tsp black pepper
21/2 tbsp vegetable oil
1/2 cup Pumpkin,optional
1/2 cup coco ,optional
Water,enough to cover crab


Wash crabs with vinegar , clean and chop into small pieces
Heat oil in heavy bottomed dutch pot(or a round bottomed pot)
Add chopped garlic and geera,fry until brown.
Add curry paste ,along with onion, scallion and chopped scotch bonnet pepper
Cook until oil separates from the paste,then add the chopped crab
Add water to cover crab ,then add the optional ingredients
About 10 minutes before done add the maggi cubes or salt 
Cook for about 30-45 minutes ,the sauce or gravy should be thick 


1 cup all purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
Salt to taste

Sift flour,baking powder and salt.
Add water until a dough like consistency is reached ,keep kneading
Form into a ball and cover with a damp cloth for about 10 minutes.
Roll into small balls,flatten and roll into a thin circle
Cook on a heated tawa or a flat bottomed skillet
Cook on both sides ,then brush oil on both sides making sure the oiled sides have both touched the hot tawa

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